Tina Alberino

AKA Alin Walker

Playtesters needed!

Hey you. You like games, yeah? Wanna be a playtester?

Dear Interdimensional Enthusiasts,

We’re just about ready to launch Plane, our new solo role-playing game, but we need your help to make it truly out of this world.

In Plane, you take on the role of a transdimensional teleporter operator for AstroFusion Express. You’ll process a diverse and fantastical array of travelers from across the multiverse, making connections, facing challenges, and forging your own path through the cosmos.

We need brave pioneers like you to help us playtest and troubleshoot the game. We’re looking for individuals ready to jump headfirst into the unknown, players unafraid of breaking rules (and realities), and those with a keen eye for detail and a passion for improving game mechanics.

As a playtester, you’ll have the chance to:

  1. Experience the game before it’s publicly available.
  2. Provide crucial feedback to shape the final product.
  3. Engage directly with the creators and the community.
  4. Possibly see your own ideas or tweaks implemented in the game.
  5. Get exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes updates about the game.

In return for your time and feedback, you’ll receive special recognition in the game’s credits, a free copy of the game when it launches, and an exclusive playtester’s badge for your online profiles.

Interested? Great! You’re just a click away from starting your interdimensional journey. The sign-up form will go live next week, and we’ll get in touch with further details.

Thank you in advance for your invaluable contribution. Together, we can make Plane a game that offers endless fun and fantastic voyages.

See you in the multiverse!

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