Tina Alberino

AKA Alin Walker

Devlog 4: Finding Vendors

Decks, dice, journals, towers, and vendors. Big plans require production partners.

I’ve spent every day this week scouring Alibaba, searching for vendors. Plane will have a number of add-ons, including:

  • a deck of premium playing cards with a magnetic-latch box ($10-15),
  • a hardcover journal to record your plays ($10-15),
  • a handcrafted (by me) polyhedral dice set ($50, limited quantity), and
  • a hand-painted (also by me) tumbling block tower ($75-100, limited quantity).

I found a great vendor who can supply the tumbling block towers. To start, I’m buying ten. If there’s demand for more once the campaign launches, they can fulfill orders relatively quickly. (Obviously, painting time has to be factored in, but I might get an airbrush to streamline that process.)

I’m considering another vendor to supply the playing cards, deck boxes, and hardcover journals, but because there’s no deadline here, I’m not going to try juggling more things than I can easily handle. The minimum order quantity (MOQ) for decks is pretty high–anywhere from 500 to 1,000–but I’m pretty confident that those decks will move fast, especially if the campaign is as polished as I’m planning for it to be.

I’ve also been tweaking the layout each day, making subtle but somehow massive improvements, and learning a lot about Affinity Designer. I’m nowhere near being able to leverage the full potential of the Affinity suite, but I’m getting closer!

Tonight, I’ll be creating mockups of the tumbling block tower designs and working out how to execute them to get an idea of how long each will take to complete. I’ll post the images here in my update next week!

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